Why access counselling/psychotherapy?

At Dorchester Counselling and Wellbeing Centre we offer a combination of talking therapies utilising psychological, therapeutic and creative interventions. We are all unique and when life throws us unexpected challenges we all deal with the issues differently.

People access counselling therapy for various reasons and at different times in their lives.  Often people can feel isolated with their problems. All the evidence shows us that  it can be helpful to talk over emotional, psychological and relationship issues with an independent and professional counsellor/psychotherapist in a confidential space.

\The counselling process

Counselling is a series of formal sessions lasting 50 minutes and the sessions can be weekly fortnightly or monthly. Counselling is a process and is not just what happens in the counselling rooms. It is an opportunity to talk over live events, feelings, emotional ways of thinking and changing patterns of behaviour. Short term counselling may be around six to twelve sessions. Long Term counselling can be as many as 24-28 counselling sessions at regular intervals.

What now?

If you are thinking about starting counselling sessions please contact us by email info.dorchestercounselling & wellbeing to arrange an informal telephone chat and to arrange an assessment with Christine or Emma. A counselling assessment is usually an hour.


Bereavement and Grief Obsessive Compulsive Disorde

Divorce Depression

Couple Counselling Trauma & PTSD

Low Self Esteem Child/Young People related issues

Stress and Anxiety Anger Management

Life Changes Self-Care

Mid Life Crisis Spiritual/Dreams